Tales from Beyond the Galactic Fog

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This is a mini project. I am capturing epic, fanatasy/horror children mystery inspired tales exploring the issues of crossroads as when you speak about a crossroads, doesn't it always feel like some apocalyptic future? This is grazing that surface with purpose. This is a mini book, probably with around 10 poems.

Nothing big, but I'll be keeping them here. I am gathering short story ideas for my other project, [g]eppetto [G}estapo, which largely music based but using the ideas, short stories, and poems to help inspire music or be inspired BY music.

This is neither. It is simply a poetic piece.

So let's see where we can go shall we? Because this whole thing, the world, life, is about bettering oneself, thinking, loving, sharing, learning from diversity.

Now on with the complete and utter insanity.


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